It’s almost 2024!
First, I want to wish you and your family a healthy, happy, safe, and prosperous New Year.
And I want to close out 2023 and say hello to 2024 with a few questions.
One year from now, what dream-come-true result would you want with your health and fitness?
And I mean REALLY want! Enough to be willing to commit to it, put in the work and have the discipline to accomplish it.
Whether that’s 10 kilograms of weight loss, doubling or even tripling your strength, eliminating back pain so you can enjoy all your favourite activities, whatever it is…
Now, close your eyes and envision how you would look and feel 12 months from today if it came true.
What’s that feel like?
What it looks like?
Hold onto those feelings and images.
Now, ask yourself this: What would have to happen or change for you to achieve your goal?
If you take a few minutes before the clock strikes midnight on New Year’s Eve, to go through this simple exercise, you’ll have some significant ammunition in your pursuit of a happier and healthier you in 2024.
You’ll have a goal.
You’ll have a “why.”
And you’ll have a plan.
Have a great year, achieve your goals, and be healthy and happy!
Your coach