


In this blog section I want to share with you my knowledge and information in fitness related topics. I will share posts about nutrition, workouts, tips, facts and anything that is connected with healthy lifestyle.

Hopefully everyone will find something interesting and this section will help to find answers.

I’m very grateful that you are here! Enjoy


When is the best time to start fitness program?
When is the best time to start fitness program?

If you’re wondering when the best time to start a fitness program is, don’t wait till January! In most cases, the answer is pretty easy: Right now. Some people need a specific day to start their fitness program and that is perfectly okay. If you need that...

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How to start after injury
How to start after injury

I hate to break it to you, but injuries do happen. It could be as simple as a strain in your lower back or more serious, like a broken bone that may require surgery to fix and immobilise. This is a part of life and one that can put your fitness and health goals on the...

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What’s better machines or free weights?
What’s better machines or free weights?

When building a program for strength, should you include more free weights or machines when first starting out? This is a great question, as both develop lean muscle mass, strength, and power. But which one is better? And which one should you focus...

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Enjoy the process
Enjoy the process

One mistake I see a lot of people make when starting a fitness plan is starting too fast. Now, don’t get me wrong. Just getting started, in any fashion, is a huge accomplishment that should be celebrated. If you’ve taken the first step to prioritize you and your...

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Do you have to do cardio to lose weight?
Do you have to do cardio to lose weight?

So, do you have to do cardio to lose weight? The simple answer is no. Would it help the process if you included some form of cardio? Yes, as long as you don’t rely just on cardio! Many people think of weight loss and the first thing that comes to their mind is hours...

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Stop doing that!
Stop doing that!

Hopefully, following a smart, safe and intentional training program is keeping you out of pain and helping you avoid injury. But most of us have suffered an injury somewhere along the way and had to go see the doctor. I’m not here to bad-mouth...

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Will you get bulky if you lift weights?
Will you get bulky if you lift weights?

For most women (and some men), one of the biggest question people have is: Will I get big and bulky if I lift weights? This is a valid question, as not everyone wants to build muscle and size. The truth is: Lifting weights does not have to increase...

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How often should you train?
How often should you train?

A new client of mine posed a very interesting question:    “Outside of training, how often should I work out?” There is really no good answer for this because everyone is on their own fitness journey. But here’s what I said: If you’re just starting out, or...

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How to get six-pack and flat belly
How to get six-pack and flat belly

Everyone wants washboard abs, a six-pack or some definition around their midsection. And this leads to a lot of crunches, sit-ups, bicycle crunches etc. Am I right? But here’s the deal. You may be doing the exercises wrong. Although they do focus on the...

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Training vs working out
Training vs working out

Training vs working out. There is a big difference between the two. Training means that we purposefully, scientifically and intentionally build muscle, lose fat, gain endurance and become more resistant to joint pain. Working out is just doing a bunch of random stuff...

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Cardio sucks
Cardio sucks

Do I have your attention now? Because, as everyone knows, cardio sucks. Remember when the criteria for a good exercise plan was measured by how many hours you spent on the treadmill, exercise bike or elliptical machine? The idea that, “Aerobic Exercise Will Help You...

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What is the best way to lose fat?
What is the best way to lose fat?

If you've started an exercise program, you may be wondering: What is the best way to lose fat? For most people, weight loss is the main goal, with exercise and dieting being the means to get there. And for good reason, because being overweight increases...

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Benefits of using lighter weights
Benefits of using lighter weights

If you believe that lifting heavy is the only way to see benefits, think again. According to a new study, you can see many benefits and changes in your body, by lifting lighter weights. Although light weights are associated with building endurance and not so...

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Should everyone squat?
Should everyone squat?

The squat is a basic movement pattern that we use in our daily life, hence why including some form of squat in your routine will be beneficial. But, what if it hurts? A doctor (or an inexperienced coach) might tell you, “If it hurts, don’t do it.” There’s a lot more...

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Flexibility and mobility
Flexibility and mobility

I’ve noticed an interesting dynamic when people decide to start training with me, and I wanted to share it because I think it could be helpful. I always discuss goals with my new clients, and I often hear things like: Lose weight Lose fat Get stronger Gain muscle Stay...

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I get that question a lot and yes, it does. After properly warming up and specifically preparing for the movements we’re focusing on, I have my clients tackle the most challenging, “biggest” strength exercise first. Think back squats, deadlifts, bench press, overhead...

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How to gauge your workout intensity? part 1
How to gauge your workout intensity? part 1

Hi In this post I want to tell you about what is RPE and how it can be used in training. There have been few modified versions of RPE scales but in this post, we will focus on the original 15-point Borg RPE scale. Ok, so what is RPE? It stands for Rating of Perceived...

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How to gauge your workout intensity? part 2
How to gauge your workout intensity? part 2

Welcome to another post. As promised, in this article I want to explain in more detail about 10-point RPE scales, what is RIR and how they both can be used in resistance training. So, let us start from the beginning, quick reminder what is RPE? It stands for Rating of...

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Why is it important to exercise?
Why is it important to exercise?

Hi In my first post I would like to show you why it is a good idea to exercise and hopefully convince those that don’t exercise yet, to start. Let’s start from the beginning. By exercise I mean any activity that you do outside of work or house duties such as cleaning...

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What type of training is best for you?
What type of training is best for you?

Let’s start from simple answer: there is no best training. Although there are targeted trainings depending on your goal, for example powerlifting training will have different approach to that for bodybuilding. Endurance training will be different from them both etc....

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Break the cycle
Break the cycle

If you’re like most people, you may have slipped up with your nutrition at some point or weekend especially. It’s normal. It happens. But if this is a recurring pattern for you, enough that you’re troubled by it, then I’d like to share a short but effective exercise...

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4 Nutrition tips to fight hunger
4 Nutrition tips to fight hunger

If you want to get closer to your health and fitness goals, you need to understand that nutrition is going to get you there faster. No matter if you want to lose weight, put on muscle, get faster on your run or even, or especially, if you just want to be...

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Can you lose weight fast?
Can you lose weight fast?

Weight loss isn’t easy. It’s simple, but not easy. Just ask anyone who’s struggled for years to lose weight but hasn’t been able to. Or those who have lost weight successfully, only to put the weight back on. It takes hard work, dedication and some serious willpower...

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How do you control your appetite?
How do you control your appetite?

If you’ve started a weight loss plan or you’ve been on one for quite some time, then you know how hard it may be to control hunger throughout the day. Hunger can happen for a number of reasons. A sudden drop in calories, not eating enough, lack of good...

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Are you eating enough to lose weight?
Are you eating enough to lose weight?

If you’re looking to lose weight, then you may do things to move you in the right direction. Like including more exercise or changing what you eat. And this will work, but after a period of time, it may stop working. So you may cut calories in order to get the...

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5 Decisions to make when starting a weight loss plan
5 Decisions to make when starting a weight loss plan

You don’t need me to tell you that eating healthy will help you lose weight, probably you already know that. You also know that junk food, although very bad for you, is cheap and tastes really, really good. There’s no getting around that. But, these foods...

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How much should you eat?
How much should you eat?

Every once in a while, it’s worth reviewing portion sizes. Most people reading this newsletter probably know the difference between healthy and unhealthy food options. Mind you, I never like to define them as “good” or “bad.” But there’s a difference between choosing...

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Is eating fruits bad for you?
Is eating fruits bad for you?

So many people don’t get enough fruit in their diet and think that eating fruits is bad. They are afraid they’re going to get fat. Why? Because fruit contains sugar and it’s been drilled into our heads that sugar is bad for your health and your fat...

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What diet is the best?
What diet is the best?

There is so much confusion when it comes to losing weight and dieting. Should you eat this? Should you avoid that? It’s no wonder why people have difficulty finding a diet and sticking to it. But, it doesn’t have to be all that hard. Here’s the...

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Can you eat potatoes and still lose weight?
Can you eat potatoes and still lose weight?

If you’ve started a weight loss program, you’ve probably been told you need to avoid certain foods, or at least, limit how much you’re eating. One of those foods is carbs. But should you cut them out completely? Or are some carbs better than others? Although some...

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What is the best way to lose fat?
What is the best way to lose fat?

If you've started an exercise program, you may be wondering: What is the best way to lose fat? For most people, weight loss is the main goal, with exercise and dieting being the means to get there. And for good reason, because being overweight increases...

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Keep hunger away
Keep hunger away

If you are on a weightloss journey, then you might know how hard it is to control hunger. It can happen for a number of reasons. A sudden drop in calories, not eating enough, lack of good sleep and sometimes being dehydrated can lead to hunger feelings. But...

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Is eating healthy expensive?
Is eating healthy expensive?

Most people think that eating healthy is expensive. And it may be hard to follow a healthy diet if you’re on a budget. However, eating right and including healthy foods doesn’t always have to break the bank. If you follow these tips, then you can still eat...

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How long does it take to see weight loss results?
How long does it take to see weight loss results?

You’ve started at the gym. You’ve changed the way you eat to include healthier food choices. And you’ve followed the advice, and the plan, your trainer has set for you. But you’re not losing weight. This is a common concern and one that...

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Nutrition – what you need to know to achieve your goals
Nutrition – what you need to know to achieve your goals

If you want to get closer to your health and fitness goals, you need to understand that nutrition is going to get you there faster. No matter if you want to lose weight, put on muscle, get faster on your mile or even, or especially, if you just want to be healthier...

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Diet. Why most people fail and hate that word?
Diet. Why most people fail and hate that word?

What is first thing that comes to your mind when you hear the word diet? I bet that some of the things that you might think about would be restriction, tasteless food, small quantities, boredom, self-sacrifice etc. But I have good news! It does not have to be like...

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What can you find in my fridge?
What can you find in my fridge?

With this article I want to give you an insight on what I normally eat, to show that the “diet” does not have to be either boring or expensive as most people think. I try to eat healthy but of course there is a room for some “bad” food like fast food and sweets....

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Do we need supplements?
Do we need supplements?

Short answer is NO, we don’t need to take supplements. Well, at least for majority of general population. In most cases if our food consumption is balanced and we deliver enough macronutrients (calories from protein, fat and carbohydrates), micronutrients (vitamins...

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Facts and Tips

One thing
One thing

When I've worked with clients who seemed overwhelmed or truly had a lot on their plate, my advice was: 'Focus on one thing.' Basically, when everything is going a million miles per hour around you, it's pretty easy to look up at the end of the day and see that you're...

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Immunity Boost
Immunity Boost

Can you really boost your immune system? Absolutely, you can! And you should. “Superfoods” which are minimally processed and pack micronutrients such as vitamins A, B, C, D, E, zinc and selenium provide your body with the ability to trigger a...

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I don’t have time
I don’t have time

One of the biggest objections I hear from people who are thinking about starting a fitness program is, "I don't have time." I can empathize. I have a family, I work part time, I’m a student, I’m a business owner and I coach people all day long. On top of that I have...

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Have you ever got injured?
Have you ever got injured?

Have you ever got injured doing an exercise and heard your doctor say, "Well, don't do that exercise anymore?" There's a better answer! And for coaches like me, it's important to ask the right questions in order to get the right answer. Instead of...

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5 Tips for weight loss
5 Tips for weight loss

Weight loss isn’t easy. It’s simple, but not easy. But, with these 5 tips for weight loss you can achieve your goal! Just ask anyone who struggled for years to lose weight but hasn’t been able to and they will tell you it's not easy. Or those that have lost weight...

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One of the most misunderstood aspects of a true body transformation is Consistency. You have to show up. Every day. And take actions that lead you closer to your goals. Unfortunately, so many people get tripped up on this step. Why? They think that...

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Are you making progress?
Are you making progress?

Many people who start a fitness program get discouraged early in the process when they don't see the scale moving in the right direction. As a general rule, people lose about 0.5-1% of body weight per week. So round numbers, a 100kg person would lose an average of...

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I hear people say all the time that the one thing that’s holding them back from achieving their health and fitness goals is that they lack accountability. What does this mean? Accountability basically means you have someone checking in on you and making sure you’re...

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How much is your body worth?
How much is your body worth?

The most successful (and highest-paid) athletes in the world spend hundreds of thousands of dollars a year investing in their bodies. It goes without saying that such high-level athletes need access to the best fitness and recovery equipment. But much of their...

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SMART(ER) goal setting
SMART(ER) goal setting

A client asked me recently if I could help her set a goal for the week. “I want something to shoot for, but I don’t know how to set a goal.” It reminded me that it’s worth going over proper goal-setting again. There is a good approach to setting goals called...

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How do you handle your weekends?
How do you handle your weekends?

After a long week, there is nothing better than relaxing over the weekend. You get to catch up with friends, do a little reading and do some fun activities you may not be able to do during the week. But the weekends can also be a troublesome time for those...

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Simple things to boost your immune system
Simple things to boost your immune system

Many people are getting colds and flu recently. For some, it is really exhausting 2-3 weeks when they fight with the virus. Although you can’t completely prevent the cold or the flu from striking, there are everyday things you can do to support your immune...

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What’s your capacity
What’s your capacity

Every human being has a capacity for how much stress or “load” their system can endure in a given day before something bad (like injury or illness) happens. Take out a piece of paper and draw a horizontal dotted line across the page about three-quarters of the way up....

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I won’t lie, a big part of why I eat, train, and self-care the way I do is for aesthetic reasons. There’s nothing wrong with wanting to look good! While I won’t be featured on the cover of any fitness magazines, I do my best to look as good as I can with my...

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Perfect time
Perfect time

So many times in life, we find ourselves waiting for the perfect time. And when it never comes (because there’s no such thing), we end up regretting the fact that we wasted so much time. “Perfection is the enemy of progress.”  When it comes to our fitness, we talk...

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Key to a successful transformation
Key to a successful transformation

Today I want to tell you a bit more about a key to a successful transformation - balance.  Many people when trying to improve their lives, turn them upside down completely, which might work for some. But, very common “all or nothing approach” is usually sustainable...

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5 Tips to succeed with your health and fitness in 2024
5 Tips to succeed with your health and fitness in 2024

Welcome in 2024! It's more important than ever not to overcomplicate things. Simpler is usually better. As we begin a new year, here are 5 things to think about that will help you not only avoid losing your strength, fitness and health but make gains in every area....

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Happy New Year!
Happy New Year!

It’s almost 2024!First, I want to wish you and your family a healthy, happy, safe, and prosperous New Year. And I want to close out 2023 and say hello to 2024 with a few questions. One year from now, what dream-come-true result would you want with your health and...

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How to survive Christmas… and not gain weight!
How to survive Christmas… and not gain weight!

Ho, Ho, Ho! It is a lovely time of year to celebrate, meet with family and friends, enjoy delicious food, rest and relax. But it's also a time after which many people will feel guilty, unhappy and stressed because they ate too much and quite possibly gain few...

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Christmas holiday season
Christmas holiday season

It’s December, and you know what that means - Christmas holiday season. Whether you celebrate Christmas or not, Santa Claus is coming to town and every year I think, “Damn, Santa exercise and eat healthy much?” I mean, the guy works one day a year! What’s his excuse...

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Negative thoughts
Negative thoughts

You know the expression, "The only person who can stop you, is YOU?" It's so true. The mind is a goal-achieving machine. It will produce actions and outcomes that are always 100% aligned with our beliefs. Yes, you read that right, ALWAYS. So, if you hear yourself...

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2 Very powerful words
2 Very powerful words

What do you think are the two most powerful words in the English language? Care to take a guess? “Yes and No.” That’s a good one. “Let go.” Definitely needed sometimes. “**** you.” Yes, powerful, but not always helpful. “I am.” – And we have a winner! Because, as...

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What is failure?
What is failure?

I want to spend a little time today on a concept that I’ve seen sabotage more people’s health and fitness than anything else. Failure. What is failure? Most of us have the concept of it all wrong. Starting an exercise program or diet plan and not...

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Conquer Monday and win the week!
Conquer Monday and win the week!

One of the rules I’ve been focusing on lately that’s really helped me reset my routine is simple, but easier said than done. Win Monday. Just win the day. We’ve allowed ourselves to be conditioned to dread Monday. We always talk about “Sunday...

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One of the most overlooked aspects of a true body and health transformation is Gratitude. In short, you need to be thankful for what you have, not regretful about what you don't. Meaningful, long-term change ALWAYS happens with small victories, one at a time. Be...

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It’s not your fault
It’s not your fault

Have you ever joined a gym or started a workout program and had your results sabotaged by pain and injury? It's not your fault. We're in prime time when lots of people are running full speed into a new fitness program. Some will get great results, avoid...

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Trust Yourself
Trust Yourself

Lack of trust in yourself. I see this when a client first starts training with me, I saw it from clients in the past and also from people in the gym I talk to daily. And if left untreated, it’s something that can really hold you back from achieving your goals. For a...

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Meaningful change
Meaningful change

Whenever you’ve made any meaningful change in your life, chances are there was one common thread. You had a sense of urgency. Maybe you were fed up with your current situation - clothes not fitting, energy non-existent, a body you don’t recognize when you look in the...

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I recently participated in a Mindset Training that blew my mind, honestly. Myself and other fitness pros were given an exercise and a sheet containing about 100 values, and we were asked to circle all those that resonated with us. Then, we were asked to narrow them...

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If you learn to master your mindset, you hold the keys to your success. Said differently, changing the way you think can be the key to getting the results you want in your life and in health and fitness. To find what holds us back from our goals and dreams, we need...

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