If you learn to master your mindset, you hold the keys to your success. Said differently, changing the way you think can be the key to getting the results you want in your life and in health and fitness. To find what holds us back from our goals and dreams, we need...
How to gauge your workout intensity? part 1

How to gauge your workout intensity? part 1

Hi In this post I want to tell you about what is RPE and how it can be used in training. There have been few modified versions of RPE scales but in this post, we will focus on the original 15-point Borg RPE scale. Ok, so what is RPE? It stands for Rating of Perceived...
How to gauge your workout intensity? part 2

How to gauge your workout intensity? part 2

Welcome to another post. As promised, in this article I want to explain in more detail about 10-point RPE scales, what is RIR and how they both can be used in resistance training. So, let us start from the beginning, quick reminder what is RPE? It stands for Rating of...
Diet. Why most people fail and hate that word?

Diet. Why most people fail and hate that word?

What is first thing that comes to your mind when you hear the word diet? I bet that some of the things that you might think about would be restriction, tasteless food, small quantities, boredom, self-sacrifice etc. But I have good news! It does not have to be like...
Why is it important to exercise?

Why is it important to exercise?

Hi In my first post I would like to show you why it is a good idea to exercise and hopefully convince those that don’t exercise yet, to start. Let’s start from the beginning. By exercise I mean any activity that you do outside of work or house duties such as cleaning...
What type of training is best for you?

What type of training is best for you?

Let’s start from simple answer: there is no best training. Although there are targeted trainings depending on your goal, for example powerlifting training will have different approach to that for bodybuilding. Endurance training will be different from them both etc....