Healthy Lifestyle E-Book
In this e-book about healthy lifestyle, I want to take you on a journey through topics related to training, nutrition and mindset. Each of those play vital role in contribution to better health and wellbeing, and good quality of life.
This short, informative e-book is pretty basic, so it is easy to understand and implement changes.
Klaudia –
Great e-book! Many facts that motivate you to eat healthier and exercise! It really helps when you are just starting your journey.
Jamie –
Very useful and interesting information. Can 100% tell that work went into this book and really does well on explaining a healthy lifestyle. Would definitely give it a read
Travis Mason –
Big help to a new comer. Lots of quality information which then allows you to improve your overall fitness journey.
Ryan –
Easy to read with lots of factual information! Michał’s friendliness shows even in his writing. I would recommend!
Richard Baker –
This is a great starter book, for those new to health and fitness trying to find their way through the miasma of information out there. Or for people who have lost there way and are trying to recentre their focus.
Paula –
Great read, full of interesting information. Makes you reconsider your food choices and helps to improve your healthy eating and lifestyle overall.
Bethany McEwen –
Such a helpful book and really helps if you’re new to the world of fitness!