So many people don’t get enough fruit in their diet and think that eating fruits is bad.
They are afraid they’re going to get fat.
Because fruit contains sugar and it’s been drilled into our heads that sugar is bad for your health and your fat loss.
But it’s time to separate fact from fiction.
Yes, you can eat fruit.
Yes, it’s going to improve your health.
And yes, it can help with fat loss if you eat more fruit.
What about the sugar?
You may not know this, but naturally occurring sugar, like the kind found in fruit, is actually better for you than regular table sugar, or even high-fructose corn syrup.
Why is it a good idea to include fruits?
Fruit contains other beneficial nutrients, like vitamins, minerals, water, and fiber, Which may help stabilize your blood sugar, lower inflammation, and boost your overall weight loss.
Fruits are low in calories, making it a perfect addition to any healthy nutrition plan. Although you can gain weight from over-eating any type of food, it may be harder to do so when you’re eating more low-calorie foods, such as fruit.
Now, it’s true that people with diabetes may need to consult a doctor, or a nutritionist, to be sure that increasing their fruit intake won’t pose a risk to their health.
But, due to the other nutrients found in fruit (fiber, vitamins, and minerals), even those with diabetes may see better blood sugar control and a less risk for future health complications.
Here’s the take home message:
Adults and children are not getting the recommended intake of fruits each day. And this could be seriously impacting your health. Fruit is low in calories, and high in nutrition, making it a vital component to any healthy nutrition plan. If you’re worried that the sugar is going to make you gain weight, don’t be.
Fruits with their healthy nutrients, may boost weight loss and improve blood sugar control.
So yes, be sure that you get your recommended intake of fruit each day, because these low-calorie, high-nutrient foods, are super important to your overall health.
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