Break the cycle

Break the cycle

If you’re like most people, you may have slipped up with your nutrition at some point or weekend especially. It’s normal. It happens. But if this is a recurring pattern for you, enough that you’re troubled by it, then I’d like to share a short but effective exercise...
4 Nutrition tips to fight hunger

4 Nutrition tips to fight hunger

If you want to get closer to your health and fitness goals, you need to understand that nutrition is going to get you there faster. No matter if you want to lose weight, put on muscle, get faster on your run or even, or especially, if you just want to be...
Can you lose weight fast?

Can you lose weight fast?

Weight loss isn’t easy. It’s simple, but not easy. Just ask anyone who’s struggled for years to lose weight but hasn’t been able to. Or those who have lost weight successfully, only to put the weight back on. It takes hard work, dedication and some serious willpower...
How do you control your appetite?

How do you control your appetite?

If you’ve started a weight loss plan or you’ve been on one for quite some time, then you know how hard it may be to control hunger throughout the day. Hunger can happen for a number of reasons. A sudden drop in calories, not eating enough, lack of good...


One of the most misunderstood aspects of a true body transformation is Consistency. You have to show up. Every day. And take actions that lead you closer to your goals. Unfortunately, so many people get tripped up on this step. Why? They think that...